LifeStyle - this word applies to a wide variety of areas.  Apparel, sports, and other consumer goods.  Our plan is to create articles in all of these areas - the best goods available on the market.  The best exercise apparel.  The best casual wear (jeans and Tees).  The best running and sport shoes.  The best casual shoes.  The best sporting goods of every description.

NuVo as a word means - THE BEST - and that is what we plan to deliver for our growing mass of devotees - THE BEST.

It is not a coincidence that we will become the largest and greatest company in the world.  We started as a seed in the heart and mind of Ross Harvey 20 years ago in what he calls his 'seven days on the mountain with God.'  Through thick and thin, Ross has maintained this vision - which is now in the process of being realized - rapidly!  To learn a little about the heart and mind of Ross Harvey as well as some of those God has sent to progress this company, please read the following documents from long ago.  
We look forward to sharing this journey with you - every step of the way!
NuVo 2001.pdf NuVo 2001.pdf
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Type : pdf
The Vision by PM.pdf The Vision by PM.pdf
Size : 541.085 Kb
Type : pdf

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